We are pleased to inform you that the project application phase for the FCHgo Award competition has closed and that the international selection of candidate projects is currently in progress. Despite the difficulties caused by the pandemic, we are happy to have received several applications from schools in Italy, Poland and Turkey.
The nominated projects first went through a national selection process, from which 8 projects emerged as winners: 3 for Turkey, 1 for each age category; 3 for Poland, 1 for each age category; 2 for Italy, 1 for category 8-11 and 1 for category 15-18, as there were no valid applications for category 12-14.
As mentioned above, these projects will go on to the international selection. They will be evaluated by an international jury that will nominate the three final winners.
The winners will be announced at the FCHgo International Award Event on 15 June from 15:00 to 17:00. Each winner will receive prizes that will enhance their knowledge of renewable energies, with particular reference to hydrogen fuel cells, through specific kits for use and experimentation.
Date: 15th June 2021 | 15:00-17:00 CET
Place: Online event – Zoom platform
Here are the official invitation and agenda of the event.