Schools in FCHgo partner countries Denmark, Germany, Italy, Poland and
Switzerland are invited to test and explore the FCHgo toolkit in a series of
pilot lessons, starting September 2019
Fostering curiosity and research spirit: The FCHgo toolkit
Can energy be „renewed“? How can energy be transmitted? Why does hydrogen function as an energy carrier? And what is happening inside of a fuel cell car? The FCHgo toolkit features games, stories, animations and roleplays, which explain in a creative and playful way how energy works. Illustrative factsheets conveying more about the various applications of hydrogen and fuel cell technology complement the set of materials. In this way, pupils and teachers alike get to better understand complex processes of energy. With the ready-to-teach materials provided by the toolkit teachers have an easier time to prepare and conduct lessons on the subject.
Schools and teachers sought for trial of the FCHgo toolkit
Schools in FCHgo partner countries Denmark, Germany, Italy, Poland and Switzerland can register for the trial implementation of the FCHgo toolkit in general knowledge lessons (primary schools) and chemistry and physics lessons. The FCHgo series of pilot lessons will start in September 2019. Interested schools and teachers, ready to go new ways in teaching nature phenomena are invited to register for the programme and bring energy into their classrooms in up to six inspiring lessons.
FCHgo pilot lessons energy 2.0
Within the FCHgo pilot lessons pupils are introduced into the primary principles of energy and hydrogen and fuel cell technologies along the FCHgo toolkit materials. A team of FCHgo experts accompanies and supports teachers with implementing the lessons. The team also offers to conduct themselves three lessons in the classroom.
Previous knowledge of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies is not required for participating in the programme, neither for teachers nor pupils. Participating teachers receive a one-day training about renewable energy and an introduction into the FCHgo materials and how to use them in lessons.
More information about the fchgo programme for schools under